How to uplevel your personal brand through authentic storytelling

To build a thriving brand and business, the greatest lesson you can master doesn’t rely solely on statistics or market trends. It has nothing to do with memorizing your sales pitch or other conventional marketing tactics. It’s something much simpler and more human:
“Facts tell, stories sell.”

Storytelling marketing is the secret to connecting with your ideal audience, generating higher revenue, and building a brand that endures the roller coaster of entrepreneurship. And, with the right guidance, it isn’t as challenging as you think.

Below, discover our top tips for leveraging storytelling in your marketing strategy — even if you’re a storytelling novice.

Why is storytelling essential for personal branding?

Before we get into how, let’s discuss why. There’s a reason storytelling has been a part of the human experience since the dawn of human existence. It’s a remarkably powerful medium for connection. But, how does that truth apply to business?

When it comes to creating your personal brand, we distill the value of storytelling into three core truths:

  • Your story makes you unique. Think about how many brands exist for the same type of product. Let’s take organic, cruelty-free shampoo for example. How is it that so many brands are able to thrive in this market? The answer lies in their storytelling. Your story acts as a point of distinction between your brand and similar brands. Competitors become irrelevant when you can harness your uniqueness and articulate it through your brand story.

  • Your story attracts the right opportunities. Have you ever sold to, or worked with, a customer who didn’t value your service or product? Perhaps they didn’t agree with your pricing or left you a bad review. Like a magnet, your story has the power to pull in your ideal audience — the people who are looking for exactly what you have to offer, and are willing to pay for it. When you put your authentic self out there through your brand storytelling, your dream client or customer can better identify you as the right person for the job. Put another way, your story acts as a beacon for opportunities meant for you.

  • Your story cultivates trust. Modern consumers want more than a transaction. In fact, they expect it. Consider these fascinating statistics from Sprout Social: 66% of consumers say that feeling connected to a brand enhances its trustworthiness, while 51% emphasize the importance of brands understanding their desires for fostering that connection. What customers truly seek is connection, and storytelling is the most potent vehicle for delivering it.

How to discover your unique brand story

Everyone has a story. To find yours, start by asking yourself these prompts:

  • What are the stories you tell over and over again? What stories do you find yourself repeating when speaking to your clients, colleagues, or friends?

  • What’s the impact you want to make in your client’s/customer’s lives?

  • Why did you start your business?

  • What are the core values that drive your business, life, or personal brand?

  • What is your vision for the future? What kind of world do you aspire to create?

If you feel pressured to craft the “perfect” story, know this. Your story can be totally relatable, or downright extraordinary. Deep and transformative, or light and whimsical. What matters is that your story is 100% true to you.

5 steps to crafting an authentic brand story

Once you’ve ideated around your brand story, it’s time to put it into words. Even if you don’t consider yourself a writer in the traditional sense, it’s so important to be able to articulate your story. To do that, follow this simple framework below. (It’s the same framework we use here at Wild Hearted Words, a strategic branding and content marketing agency.) Pull out a fresh document, or paper and pen, and let’s get started.

  1. Get the words flowing. Write down what you brainstormed in the above section, “How to discover your brand story.” If you find yourself getting stuck, create more momentum by writing in stream-of-consciousness.

  2. Inject your “why.” Read what you’ve written so far. Have you clearly conveyed why you’ve created your business to begin with? If not, add messaging about your motivation, purpose, and intentions. As Simon Sinek famously teaches, “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.”

  3. Connect to your audience. Next, weave in your audience’s own aspirations and challenges. Make it clear that you understand their values. This is how you create a highly-resonant brand story that’s built on shared experiences and empathy.

  4. Refine your voice. Next, read through what you’ve written — out loud. Does your brand story sound like you? Remember, your voice is your vantage. Speak loudly, and speak your truth.

  5. Celebrate, and share! Now that you’ve crafted your brand story, start to incorporate it in your communications, from your website to your newsletter. (Hint: More tips on this below.)

If you’re seeking support, click here to schedule a complimentary brand coaching session with us.

Where should you share your personal brand story?

Your brand story should live at every touchpoint. That doesn’t mean sharing the unabridged version everywhere, but infusing it in micro and macro ways, depending on the platform. Here are some examples of where you can share your personal brand story:

  • Social media

  • Website

  • Email newsletters

  • Blog

  • Press (interviews, podcasts, etc.)

  • Packaging (if you’re a product-based business)

Injecting your brand story everywhere might feel redundant, but keep in mind that your ideal customer is likely not reading every single thing you put out there. And, consistent messaging (even if it’s repetitive) is the essence of building a brand that’s memorable, recognizable, and impactful.

Who are some women entrepreneurs excelling with brand storytelling?

Women entrepreneurs are pioneers at integrating storytelling and business. Here are a few success stories when you’re looking for inspiration:

Jamie Kern Lima, founder of IT Cosmetics who sold her company to L’Oreal for $1.2B shares in her book “Believe It” that authentic storytelling was the key to her success, especially when other companies tried to copy her formulation — and even though the products were similar, their storytelling wasn’t aligned, so the competitors couldn’t succeed.

There’s also Tiffany Dufu, President of the Tory Burch Foundation and author of “Drop the Ball: Achieving More by Doing Less.” Even as a self-proclaimed introvert, Tiffany’s passion for storytelling has been the driving force behind her life’s mission: to advance women and girls. Still, she recognizes that storytelling isn’t about controlling narratives — something she shared personally with our own founder, Judy Tsuei. Storytelling is about living your truth, not managing someone else’s: a beautiful reminder for anyone refining their personal branding strategy.

How to overcome these 2 common storytelling challenges

Creating your own brand through storytelling has the power to transform your business. That does not, however, mean that the process is going to be easy. Here are some common challenges and how to overcome them:

Focusing too much on yourself — or your customer.

As you begin to hone your storytelling skills in your business, lean on your experiences and your one-of-a-kind point of view. And, empathize with your audience, their needs, and their aspirations. Balance is key.

Not embracing your story.

Be humble. Don’t brag. Put your head down. So many of us, especially women of color, have been taught to downplay our life experiences, whether it be our achievements or our adversities. If this sounds like you, your story may be lacking authenticity, vulnerability, and thought leadership. Here’s your reminder to reclaim your narrative, which is exactly what we do for our clients through our “Visionary Visibility” approach.

Make your story beautiful

When you create a brand rooted in authentic storytelling, you open the door to greater positive impact — in both your business and your community. By injecting you into your brand, competition becomes irrelevant. That’s because the only standard is how true your brand feels to you. Even if it’s messy or imperfect, keep going. You deserve to make your story beautiful.

Looking for expert guidance as you craft your personal brand story? Book a complimentary call with us today.


“The Heartbeat: Sometimes, you don’t survive whole — you just survive in part.”