Have you ever broken a board with your bare hand?

Last Friday, I broke a board with my bare hands…

It was a metaphor for obstacles I perceive existed in my life.

On one side, I had written the goals I’d like to achieve: everything from bestselling books to intergenerational wealth to being fully seen, experiencing joy, feeling contentment — and more!

On the other side, I wrote what obstacles I thought I had: limiting beliefs, doubt, questions around self-worth.

Then, in a room of 100 people who I’d spent the last week doing my Neuro Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner course with, one of the trainers placed my board on two cinder blocks…

Encouraged me to take deep ha breaths pulling in the energy of the sun to my power center…

Told me to visualize breaking through the board completely with speed and follow-through…

And then, BAM.

I did it.

I’ve never broken a board in my life.

Here’s the thing… what do successful people do?

Successful people make decisions quickly and undo them slowly. Successful people use both speed and follow-through.

We wrote our goals on one side + our obstacles on the other — then we broke through. Click on the image above for the full video.

My NLP training has been changing my life — and I’m excited for it to change yours…

There’s an exercise I did in Los Angeles during my beginner Practitioner Training called “Parts Integration” and since then, here’s what I’ve experienced:

  • A profoundly different relationship with my parents.

    I can say without a doubt that I love them unconditionally, accept them for who they are, and am eager to spend time with them. This transformation happened so quickly that within a couple of weeks, my parents made two trips to San Diego, and asked to come again for my birthday, and I actually miss them when I’m not around them.

  • An amazingly calm relationship with my daughter where I finally realize how close we truly are.

    My daughter had been “triggering” my stuff because she’s at an age where different types of trauma began to occur in my life. Now, I’m exceptionally calm with her and can offer genuine compassion, so that I can feel our bond deepening every day.

  • Becoming a better surfer AND calling in dolphins every time I paddle out that they’re taking off on waves beside me.

    There’s an energetic technique we learned to connect to your unconscious mind where so much more intuition and wisdom is stored. Each time I take two seconds to connect to this approach, dolphins show up so close, they’re virtually at the nose of my board. Better still, different techniques are suddenly clicking in my mind, so I’m now catching waves better than ever before.

The ripple effect of the work I’m doing is real.

And, I’m excited to bring this into the coaching work I’m doing with female founders of color ready to change their lives.

Here’s the thing:

Your conscious mind is the “goal setter” and your conscious mind is the “goal getter.”

But, if your top five core values are not aligned with the goals your conscious mind sets, you’ll never experience the results and outcomes you’d like to see.

Do you know what your unconscious mind perceives as your top 5 core values?

Master NLP Breakthrough Sessions Now Available!

I’m celebrating my 45th birthday by offering limited breakthrough sessions for truly committed women ready to change their lives.

These breakthrough sessions range between 6-9 hours, split across 2-3 sessions.

By focusing on one area of your life — spiritual, personal growth & development, relationship, family, career, health — other areas naturally improve.

We’ll change your limiting beliefs, free yourself of baggage, and realign your core values in ways that help you easily achieve your goals! If you’ve struggled with finding clarity, releasing old stories, and not achieving your fullest potential, these sessions are for you.

You have to be ready to be free of whatever’s holding you back — and eager for lasting transformation that’ll positively impact every aspect of your life.

In the future, these sessions will start at $8000 given the remarkable impact they create on each person’s life.

As a birthday gift, I’m offering these sessions at $2997 for the first three clients who sign up. Payment plans available.

Send a message below to see if these sessions are right for you.

Judy Tsuei

Brand Story Strategist for health, wellness, and innovative tech brands.


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Building Strong Connections and Embracing Life's Chapters: A Journey of Alignment, Adventure, and Connection in Mexico