True Essence of Success: Building an Empowering Community and Lifting Each Other Up

Why don’t more people talk about success as:

- building a f*cking epic community
- lifting one another up

Because the other day, I went to see my hairstylist and found out he lives two doors down from me.

“I’ve seen you in the neighborhood, and think, ‘Her hair looks good!’”

He offered that if I have a Zoom call & need to look on point, to just walk on over and knock on his door. We’ve become friends in just a couple of conversations.

Another day, I heard my friend come up my driveway on her bike from the farmer’s market down the street with her kids and husband in tow.

“Can my daughter borrow a jacket? We need to bike home and she’s getting cold.”

My place was on the way home for them.

“Of course!” I said and popped inside to grab a hoodie Wilder had outgrown.

We chatted for awhile, joked as her son ran onto my trampoline for a few minutes. Her husband asked how my washing machine was doing since he helped me fix it the week before.

This is creating a chosen family. Small moments like this are the magic life is made of.

And tonight, because I was a mentor with the Founder Institute, I met fellow high-caliber mentors who I became friends with. One of them is a wealth fund manager who created an invite-only group for women to create the life of our dreams.

We met tonight. We reviewed how to create real financial independence. Especially after divorce. We openly shared our stories and walked away transformed.

Success isn’t just about the accolades. It’s about making an impact. It’s about helping one another in life and in business.

I called one of my recent clients — a very notable figure in the beauty industry — after a little snaffu during a Zoom call and she said, “Girl. We are more than just business. We’re friends now, okay?”

This is how I feel amazing about the life I’m creating.

These are the real human interactions that you can’t plan for. That you’re lucky to have when you are authentically you.

And, it creates a ripple effect in every aspect of life. Relationships. Friendships. Business.

What are the success metrics you didn’t know were #allthethings?

If you’re a female entrepreneur of color looking to create a life you’re proud of for yourself and your children, and you’re ready to hit your first six-figure milestone, Send me a message “IMPACT.”

Let’s chat about making your dreams come true.

Judy Tsuei

Brand Story Strategist for health, wellness, and innovative tech brands.

Want to join me as a story maker?


From Debt to Abundance: My Journey to True Wealth and Fulfillment