From Debt to Abundance: My Journey to True Wealth and Fulfillment

It’s taken me a long time to understand that real “wealth” isn’t just about money.

My family grew up in perpetual deep debt. My parents fought all the time about $$. We had our phone lines cut because they couldn’t pay the bills. Relatives bought our groceries now and again.

I fought tooth and nail to distance myself from that situation as much as possible. I held two jobs at 15 to pay for my own SAT classes, college apps, college tuition & more.

I did great in my 20s — enough to set me up for the next 10 years, so I could explore the world, become a yoga teacher & travel writer, and mostly heal myself with lots of therapy.

Then, I got married. Because of the templates for relationships growing up — and because I had no financial education beyond watching my parents’ failures — I got into loads of debt.

Here I was, repeating the exact mistakes I promised myself I would never make.

So, I DECIDED to do differently.

I got divorced. Even with a child. Today, my daughter is THRIVING with two parents who love her, chosen family, and educational & life experiences around the world.

I DECIDED to get out of debt and become financially confident as I paid everything off in 2 years, am continually growing my investments, and have built a multi-six-figure business charging the highest rates of my career — all doing work I love with phenomenal clients aligned with my core values of making a positive impact in the world.

I DECIDED not to go it alone, to free myself from shame, and have now built an epic community of powerful women/mothers who surf, of high caliber professional connections where we’re 1000% authentic from professional to personal settings, of kind humans who support one another.

I DECIDED to let in love — this has been a huge practice for me — and I’m now in the healthiest relationship of my life with clear communication, real intimacy, lots of laughs, and mutual respect.

I DECIDED to keep growing through therapy, coaching, self-mastery.

I DECIDED to reconnect to my intuition and let that guide one serendipitous opportunity after another (big news coming May 18 about this!).

My life is truly great. Not perfect. Because that’s the nature of being human.

In so many ways — from the meaningful connections I’ve made to fulfilling work where I’m making an impact to close friends who have become like family to creating memorable experiences around the world for my daughter and myself — it’s so, so rich.

The peace of mind I now have and the gratitude I feel every day are priceless.

You get to DECIDE, too.

And, if you need support, Send me a message “DECIDE” for my free Masterclass next week on how to become a magnet for wealthy opportunities in business and in life.

( ^ My free brainstorm filled up so quickly, I decided to add a Masterclass for everyone who’s been emailing me after they couldn’t get in!)

Judy Tsuei

Brand Story Strategist for health, wellness, and innovative tech brands.

True Essence of Success: Building an Empowering Community and Lifting Each Other Up


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