Trusting the Universe: A Journey of Serendipity, Intuition, and Rebuilding

Everything you want may not come the way you expect.

Between the ages of 30-36, I was a travel writer.

I got to stay at the same private island in Fiji that Brittney Spears paid $3500/night for — complete with private staff.

I taught yoga on a rooftop in Brazil to the first family ever to summit Mount Everest, whom I had serendipitously just read about in Outdoor Magazine, so I spent time interviewing the youngest person ever to make it to the peak and became such good friends with the family, they took me mountain biking at their home in Big Bear when we returned.

I rode horses in a dude ranch in Colorado and stayed in a new hotel in Cabo in Mexico, where the entire hotel staff knew my name because they had sent a dossier with my details.

Fast forward several years after giving birth to my daughter...

Even as everything was falling apart in and around me, the Universe had my back.

Because of my travel writing experience, I was invited to stay in Vietnam in the historic Hoi An region. I brought my daughter to see the lanterns that floated along the rivers in the evening and after she fell asleep in my arms, I whispered to her that I promised I would make everything okay. Through a divinely guided series of events, the Universe made it so that my husband's visa didn't clear, which gave me two days by myself with her to make the vital decision inwardly that it was time to leave my marriage.

Then, my best friend from junior high — whom I hadn't seen in over a decade — learned that I needed to get divorced, and invited my daughter and me to stay with her in the Philippines where they had moved from New York several years prior. Thanks to her, I floated from island to island in El Nido, where she helped me clearly see what was happening and what I needed to do.

And, when I returned to CA, the landlord of the first and only place I saw wanted to rent to me, because they fell in love with me and my daughter — thanks to them, with just a few hundred dollars left in my bank account, I was able to rent a place with ocean views for four years where we rebuilt our lives.

I have lived a remarkable life because I have trusted in my intuition, my powers to manifest, and my remarkable ability to make connections anywhere I am in the world. I've rebuilt my business. I'm thriving.

I've seen the signs. I've listened to the internal whispers that have guided me one step forward. Every time, I have come out on top.

Community is everything. Support is everything. Knowing the Universe has your back is everything.

Do you have the support you need to write the next chapter of your life? If you're looking for more support, Send me a message "WOMXN" and I'll share about my upcoming mini-mastermind where you can create magic from the challenges and trauma you've gone through.

Life is so much better on the other side and you have everything you need to make it so.

Judy Tsuei

Brand Story Strategist for health, wellness, and innovative tech brands.

Manifesting Miracles: A Journey of Growth, Abundance, and Finding Home


Living with Purpose: Embracing Joy, Boundaries, and Self-Fulfillment