Manifesting Miracles: A Journey of Growth, Abundance, and Finding Home

In my 20s, my powers of manifestation looked like this:

“I have no idea what I’m doing but the Universe loves me so much, it’s giving me an extremely high-paying gig that funds my life for the next 10 years so I can figure myself out and do a lot of healing.”

In my 30s, my powers of manifestation looked like this:

“Sit in meditation. Come out of meditation. Check email. Say yes to invitations to write travel articles about Fiji, Brazil, Mexico, Hawaii, and more.”

It also looked like:

“I take a trip to Kauai, the one place in the world that immediately feels like home. Decide I want to move there. In less than 30 days, a WILD series of serendipitous events happen so that I am able to call the most beautiful place in the world my HOME only one month later — and begin the next chapter of my life as a mother.”

In my 40s, my powers of manifestation look like this:

“Rebuild my life surrounded by love & magic. Create a successful company with one amazing client & opportunity after another that comes solely through word-of-mouth referrals and by simply living my life. Attract an amazing team. Watch my daughter thrive. And, revel in the magic of friends & neighbors & kids coming over to my new home where the love, connection, and support we share feels almost palpable, so that it becomes abundantly clear what a beautiful gift we’re being bestowed: time, friendship, family.”

Your magic may evolve year upon year, decade after decade.

It may look different than you remembered.

It may be giving you precisely what you need, before you’re given all that you want.

Keep growing. Let the Universe love you where you are now and into who you’re meant to become — especially after the pivots you’ve experienced.

And, when things feel really hard, find happiness in the little things, the simple moments, the easily forgotten gratitudes. (For example, my Keanu Reeves pillow in this photo, gifted to me by a friend ALWAYS makes me smile.)

Be wildly you, especially if you’re a woman & even more so if you came from a culture that taught you to play small in order to be “safe.”

The world needs your exact brand of mojo to evolve. ❤️

If you’re a WOC wanting to connect to your intuition to create remarkable results in your business — and you want to be able to market yourself authentically — Send me a message “WOC” for a complimentary 20-min brainstorm sesh that’ll get your clarity on what’s blocking you from seeing the results you want to see in your business + life.

Judy Tsuei

Brand Story Strategist for health, wellness, and innovative tech brands.

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Trusting the Universe: A Journey of Serendipity, Intuition, and Rebuilding