What is NLP?

Two weekends ago, I finished my NLP Practitioner training and immediately signed up for the Master Practitioner in July…

The experience — especially when I was brought on-stage for a Parts Integration demo — was transformative.

But, what the heck is NLP?

NLP stands for neuro-linguistic programming, which is ultimately how to use the language of the mind to consistently achieve our specific and desired outcomes.

Who uses NLP?

Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama… in fact, Tony Robbins recommended Dr. Matt James on stage during one of his events in San Diego.

Dr. Matt, the founder of one of the longest-standing NLP companies (pictured above) was raised in Hawaii. He carries on a 26-generation unbroken lineage of traditional Huna and healing work, where he became a kumu, training with renowned elders on the islands.

His children are also half-Asian and half-white, and when I told him about the work I want to move into to create more healing within the AANHPI (Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander) communities, specifically around rewriting the model of tiger parenting, he immediately knew precisely what I was talking about because of his lived experience.

Best of all?

I had an entirely healing weekend with my parents (which didn’t require anything beyond a shift within me) and my daughter got to spend more quality time with them than ever in her life.

The life you create is based on your unconscious beliefs, and being able to identify those blocks to shift them rapidly is unbelievably liberating.

I bet you’re wondering what NLP is and the impact it can have on your business and life — clearer communication, more sales, easier conversions, better mental + emotional health, greater authenticity in all realms of life, removing obstacles from achieving your goals, and more.

I’ll reveal more as I continue to evolve my business to facilitate coaching women of color founders to gain more visibility, leverage their innate abilities, and create the life of their dreams.

If you’re looking for extra support in the meantime…

Check out my 60-minute self-paced Mindset Masterclass on overcoming trauma + challenges through mind shifts + manifestation.

"This was SO good!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!! I can't wait for the recording to see what I missed and would love your Manifesting List, please and thank you so much! I heard about manifesting before but how you described it, it finally clicked for me, just how important our words are and what you focus on is what you get more of." ~ Nicole B.

Judy Tsuei

Brand Story Strategist for health, wellness, and innovative tech brands.


From Debt to Abundance: My Journey to True Wealth and Fulfillment


Manifesting Miracles: A Journey of Growth, Abundance, and Finding Home